A commitment to innovation and sustainability

Études is a pioneering firm that seamlessly merges creativity and functionality to redefine architectural excellence.

Educational Objectives

1. A true person who acts righteously
2. A good person who helps and lives with love
3. A beautiful person who is full of its own personality
4. A person who is free of language

A Trusted Teacher

1 Academic guidance through the operation of a faithful curriculum
2 Life guidance through leading-oriented personality education
3 Career guidance through personalized development

A Thoughtful Student

1  Establishing a culture of debating through the daily life of reading

2  Cultivating right values and morality



Peter Kim
Air Force Capt

As a YJISC student, I can say a great environment for international students.

hye ji
Professor / OCU

I am really happy that I have chosen to attend the YJISC certification program.

Why choose us

  • The First Foreign Language School in Cavite
  • The First Private School to offer Open High School in the Philippines
  • The First i-DEP(Online) School in the Philippines
  • The first school to be accredited by the Philippine Immigration for I-DEP and OHSP.
  • Schools from kindergarten to graduate school in one place
  • Recognized by the Republic of the Philippines Commission Higher Education
  • Recognized by the Department of Education, Division of Private School
  • Recognized by Technical Education and Skills Development Authority

Working hours

  • Mon-Fri 7:30am - 3:00 pm
  • After School 3:00pm - 5:00pm
  • Sat -Sun No Class
  • Holidays No Class

Philippines' first online school

DepED  No : 0010455(I-DEP)  , 104281 ( OHSP) , 104785( Home school)

Immigration accredited No : CMV -001 (OHSP), RADJR-005 (Hom school ), ,ASMK12-019 (I-DEP)

Online School

Online school where you can study anywhere in the world / Philippines’ first online school / Immigration accredited I-DEP and OHSP / Home school

온라인 수업을 받으시려면 교육부와 이민국에 온라인 학교로 인허가 가되어 있어야 합니다 .

Music school

Music teacher’s after school piano and choir learning / YJIS has an orchestra SEC CN NO:202008034

주립 청소년 오케스트라는 영지국제학교 부설 입니다 .

Language School

Schools where you can learn the languages of six countries / Spanish, Japanese, Chinese, Korean, English, Filipino

어학실이 60석 완벽하게 준비된 학교는 CAVITE에 영지국제학교 뿐입니다 .